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Table 3 The co-created list from the two age groups

From: A participatory student workshop on climate change and sustainability: a comparative case study

Students and Pupils


Town Hall




Waste less

Eat less meat

Consume local and seasonal products

Waste less

Eat less meat

Consume local and seasonal products

Focus on sustainable food

Do not buy packaged products

Prefer recycled products

Make compost with waste

At school cafeteria waste less food

Eat less meat

Consume local and seasonal products

Focus on sustainable food

Make compost with waste

Water management

Water management

Water management

Do not let the water run unnecessarily

Take showers rather than baths

Only use drinking water when necessary

Collect rainwater for watering plants, flushing toilets, cleaning the car …

Fix water leaks

Collect rainwater for watering plants, flushing toilets in public buildings




Turn off the lights when leaving a room

Do not leave electrical devices on standby

Close doors and windows in winter

Do not leave electrical devices on standby

Buy low consumption devices

Do not overheat homes

Thermally insulate home

Prefer renewable energy

Do not overheat public buildings

Thermally insulate public buildings

Prefer renewable energy




Come on foot, by bike or by bus to school

Organize challenges at school to promote non-car travel

Walk, bike, bus or carpooling to work

Buy only one car per household, preferably an electric car.

For the youngest students, organize trips for several students on foot or by bike from their home to school (pédibus, vélobus-- French terms for walking-pools or bike-pools)




Make a garden at school

Set up a beehive at school

Plant non-invasive plants adapted to the local climate

Fill bins for green waste

Develop green spaces in the municipality

Do not use pesticides and insecticides

Protect uncommon animals or plants species in our area (such as the violette de Rouen)