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Table 1 Survey instrument used for the 2021–2022 Australian Generation Z survey

From: Australia’s university Generation Z and its concerns about climate change



Optional answers


Please select the range that includes the year you were born.

o 1945 and earlier

o 1946–1964

o 1965–1980

o 1981–1994

o 1995–2001

o 2002–2010


A resident of which country are you?

o Australia

o Other


In which state/territory do you currently reside?

o Australian Capital Territory

o New South Wales

o Northern Territory

o Queensland

o Tasmania

o South Australia

o Victoria

o Western Australia

o Other


Are you currently enrolled in a college or university?

o Yes, I am a full-time student

o Yes, I am a part-time student

o No


Please indicate your gender identity

o Man

o Woman

o Intersex

o Other

o Prefer not to say


Which of the following best describes your household income during high school?

o Lower than $40,500 (in today’s rates)

o Between $40,500 and $122,000 (in today’s rates)

o Higher than $122,000 (in today’s rates)


To what extent are you concerned about each of the following issues?

(Not concerned; Slightly concerned; Somewhat concerned; Concerned; Very concerned)

o Climate change

o Population growth

o Sustainable food systems

o Biodiversity loss

o Plastic pollution

o Waste

o Soil fertility

o Other


Which of these is your biggest concern and why? (open-ended)


In the last year, how frequently have you engaged in the following social change behaviours?

(Never; Rarely, e.g. 1–2 × during the year; Sometimes, e.g. monthly; Often, e.g. weekly; Regularly, e.g. daily)

o Stayed informed about social issues I am concerned about

o Participated in community service related to a social issue I am concerned about

o Shared information with others about a social issue I am concerned about

o Changed a personal behaviour or my lifestyle to address a social issue I am concerned about

o Participated in an advocacy event (protest, marches etc.) on a social issue I am concerned about

o Donated money to organisations that work to address a social issue I am concerned about

o Refrained from buying goods or services from companies that don’t support social issues or oppose social issues I am concerned about

o Participated in a social media campaign around a social issue I am concerned about

o Supported a political campaign (fundraising, lobbying, canvassing for a candidate)

o Raised money for a social issue I am concerned about

o Signed a petition to support a social issue I am concerned about


To what extent do you like to communicate with others using the following communication methods?

(Do not like to use this method; Somewhat like to use this method; Like to use this method)

o In-person conversation

o Video chat

o Telephone call

o Email messaging

o Text messaging (iMessage, WeChat, GroupMe, WhatsApp)

o Direct messaging through an app (Instagram messaging, Snapchat, Chats, Facebook messaging, IM, Tweets)


Which of the following platforms do you use the most frequently?

o Facebook

o Twitter

o Instagram

o Snapchat

o WeChat

o WhatsApp

o Viber

o TikTok

o YouTube

o LinkedIn

o Other